Meaning of OCCUPY in English

[oc.cu.py] vt -pied ; -py.ing [ME occupien to take possession of, occupy, modif. of MF occuper, fr. L occupare, fr. ob- toward + -cupare (akin to capere to seize)--more at ob-, heave] (14c) 1: to engage the attention or energies of

2. a: to take up (a place or extent in space) "this chair is occupied" "the fireplace will ~ this corner of the room" b: to take or fill (an extent in time) "the hobby occupies all of my free time" 3 a: to take or hold possession or control of "enemy troops occupied the ridge" b: to fill or perform the functions of (an office or position)

4: to reside in as an owner or tenant -- oc.cu.pi.er n

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