transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈä-kyə-ˌpī ]
transitive verb
( -pied ; -py·ing )
Etymology: Middle English occupien to take possession of, occupy, from Anglo-French occupier, occuper, from Latin occupare, from ob- toward + -cupare (akin to capere to seize) — more at ob- , heave
Date: 14th century
1. : to engage the attention or energies of
a. : to take up (a place or extent in space)
this chair is occupied
the fireplace will occupy this corner of the room
b. : to take or fill (an extent in time)
the hobby occupies all of my free time
a. : to take or hold possession or control of
enemy troops occupied the ridge
b. : to fill or perform the functions of (an office or position)
4. : to reside in as an owner or tenant
• oc·cu·pi·er -ˌpī(-ə)r noun