Meaning of OOZE in English

[ooze] n [ME wose, fr. OE wase mire; akin to ON veisa stagnant water] (bef. 12c) 1: a soft deposit (as of mud, slime, or shells) on the bottom of a body of water

2: a piece of soft wet plastic ground

[2]ooze vb oozed ; ooz.ing [ME wosen, fr. wose sap] vi (14c) 1: to pass or flow slowly through or as if through small openings or interstices

2: to move slowly or imperceptibly "the crowd began to ~ forward --Bruce Marshall" 3 a: to exude moisture b: to exude something often in a faintly repellent manner "~ with sympathy" ~ vt 1: to emit slowly

2: exude

2. "~ confidence" [3]ooze n [ME wose sap, juice, fr. OE wos; akin to OHG waso damp] (ca. 1581) 1: a decoction of vegetable material used for tanning leather

2: the act of oozing

3: something that oozes

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