Meaning of PANIC in English

[pan.ic] adj [F panique, fr. Gk panikos, lit., of Pan, fr. Pan] (1603) 1: of, relating to, or resembling the mental or emotional state believed induced by the god Pan "~ fear"

2: of, relating to, or arising from a panic "a wave of ~ buying"

3: of or relating to the god Pan

[2]panic n (1708) 1: a sudden overpowering fright; esp: a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight

2: a sudden widespread fright concerning financial affairs that results in a depression of values caused by extreme measures for protection of property (as securities) 3 slang: one that is very funny syn see fear -- pan.icky adj [3]panic vb pan.icked ; vt (1827) 1: to affect with panic

2: to produce demonstrative appreciation on the part of "~ an audience with a gag" ~ vi: to be affected with panic

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