Meaning of PARCEL in English

[par.cel] n [ME, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL particella, fr. L particula small part--more at particle] (14c) 1 a: fragment, portion b: a volume of a fluid (as air) considered as a single entity within a greater volume of the same fluid

2: a tract or plot of land

3: a company, collection, or group of persons, animals, or things: lot "the whole story was a ~ of lies"

4. a: a wrapped bundle: package b: a unit of salable merchandise

[2]parcel adv (15c) archaic: partly [3]parcel adj (15c): part-time, partial [4]parcel vt -celed or -celled ; or -cel.ling (15c) 1: to divide into parts: distribute--often used with out

2: to make up into a parcel: wrap

3: to cover (as a rope) with strips of canvas or tape

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