[pat.ent] adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L patent-, patens, fr. prp. of patere to be open--more at fathom] (14c) 1 a: open to public inspection--used chiefly in the phrase letters patent b (1): secured by letters patent or by a patent to the exclusive control and possession of a particular individual or party (2): protected by a patent: made under a patent "~ locks" c: protected by a trademark or a trade name so as to establish proprietary rights analogous to those conveyed by letters patent or a patent: proprietary "~ drugs"
2: of, relating to, or concerned with the granting of patents esp. for inventions "a ~ lawyer"
3: making exclusive or proprietary claims or pretensions
4: affording free passage: unobstructed "a ~ opening"
5: patulous, spreading "a ~ calyx"
6. archaic: accessible, exposed 7: readily visible or intelligible: obvious syn see evident -- pat.ent.ly adv
[2]pat.ent n (14c) 1: an official document conferring a right or privilege: letters patent
2. a: a writing securing to an inventor for a term of years the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention b: the monopoly or right so granted c: a patented invention
3: privilege, license
4: an instrument making a conveyance of public lands; also: the land so conveyed
5: patent leather [3]pat.ent vt (1675) 1: to obtain or grant a patent right to
2: to grant a privilege, right, or license to by patent
3: to obtain or secure by patent; esp: to secure by letters patent exclusive right to make, use, or sell -- pat.ent.abil.i.ty n -- pat.ent.able adj