Synonyms and related words :
OK, admission, aegis, allowance, apparent, arm, arm guard, armor, authorize, backstop, blank check, blatant, bless, bound, brevet, buffer, bulwark, bumper, carte blanche, certificate, certificate of invention, certify, champion, charter, clean-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear-cut, cloak, compass about, concession, condition, confine, consent, conserve, conspicuous, contain, contraceptive, control, copyright, cover, crash helmet, crystal-clear, cushion, dashboard, defend, defined, definite, diploma, diplomatic immunity, discernible, discharge, discipline, dispensation, distinct, dodger, draw the line, empower, enable, enfranchise, ensure, entitle, evident, exception, exemption, explicit, express, face mask, favor, fence, fend, fender, finger guard, flagrant, foot guard, franchise, freedom, fuse, give official sanction, give power, glaring, goggles, governor, grant, gross, guarantee, guard, guardrail, hand guard, handrail, harbor, hard hat, haven, hedge about, helmet, immunity, in focus, indisputable, indubitable, indulgence, insulation, insure, interlock, keep, keep alive, keep from harm, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep safe, keep up, knee guard, knuckle guard, laminated glass, leave, legalize, legislative immunity, legitimize, letters patent, liberty, license, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, limit, maintain, make safe, manifest, mask, moderate, mudguard, narrow, nestle, nose guard, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not use up, not waste, noticeable, observable, obvious, okay, open-and-shut, pad, padding, palladium, palpable, perceivable, perceptible, permission, permission to enter, permit, perspicuous, physical, pilot, plain, plain as day, police, preserve, preventive, privilege, prominent, pronounced, prophylactic, protect, protective clothing, protective umbrella, qualify, rank, ratify, register, registered trademark, release, restrain, restrict, ride shotgun for, royal grant, safeguard, safety, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, sanction, save, scant, screen, seat belt, secure, seeable, self-evident, self-explaining, self-explanatory, service mark, shelter, shield, shin guard, shroud, spare, special favor, special permission, specialize, staring, stint, straightforward, straiten, sun helmet, support, sustain, tangible, ticket, ticket of admission, to be seen, trade name, trademark, transparent, umbrella, unclosed, underwrite, unequivocal, unmistakable, unobstructed, uphold, validate, visible, vouchsafement, waiver, warrant, well-defined, well-marked, well-pronounced, well-resolved, windscreen, windshield