Meaning of PILL in English

[pill] vb [ME pilen, pillen, partly fr. OE pilian to peel, partly fr. MF piller to plunder] vi (12c) dial chiefly Eng: to come off in flakes or scales: peel ~ vt 1 archaic: to subject to depredation or extortion

2. dial: to peel or strip off

[2]pill n [ME pylle, fr. MD pille, ultim. fr. L pilula, fr. dim. of pila ball] (14c) 1 a: medicine in a small rounded mass to be swallowed whole b often cap: an oral contraceptive--usu. used with the

2: something repugnant or unpleasant that must be accepted or endured

3: something resembling a pill in size or shape

4: a disagreeable or tiresome person [3]pill vt (1736) 1: to dose with pills

2: blackball ~ vi: to become rough with or mat into little balls "brushed woolens often ~"

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