Meaning of POSSESS in English

[pos.sess] vt [ME, fr. MF possesser to have possession of, take possession of, fr. L possessus, pp. of possidere, fr. potis able, having the power + sedere to sit--more at potent, sit] (14c) 1 a: to have and hold as property: own b: to have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill

2. a: to take into one's possession b: to enter into and control firmly: dominate "was ~ed by demons" c: to bring or cause to fall under the influence, possession, or control of some emotional or intellectual reaction "melancholy ~es her" 3 a obs: to instate as owner b: to make the owner or holder--used in passive construction to indicate simple possession "~ed of riches" "~ed of knowledge and experience" -- pos.ses.sor n

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