v. 1 be possessed or in possession of, have, own, enjoy, be blessed or endowed with In the 19th century, the family possessed great wealth 2 have, be born or gifted or endowed with, contain, embody, embrace, include He possesses a talent to amuse people Man does not possess as keen a sense of smell as many animals. 3 dominate, control, govern, consume, take control of, preoccupy, obsess; charm, captivate, enchant, cast a spell over, bewitch, enthral What possessed her to think that I could help? He behaves as if he is possessed by the devil 4 be possessed with or of. have, be held or influenced or dominated by, be imbued or inspired or permeated or affected with She became possessed with the notion that she could sing Fiona believes herself the only person possessed of reason. 5 possess oneself of. acquire, achieve, get, come by, gain, come into, win, obtain, procure, secure, take, seize, take or gain possession of Kevin has possessed himself of the only comfortable bed in the place
Meaning of POSSESS in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012