[pos.si.ble] adj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L possibilis, fr. posse to be able, fr. potis, pote able + esse to be--more at potent, is] (14c) 1 a: being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization b: being what may be done or may occur according to nature, custom, or manners
2. a: being something that may or may not occur b: being something that may or may not be true or actual "~ explanation"
3: having an indicated potential "a ~ housing site" syn possible, practicable, feasible mean capable of being realized. possible implies that a thing may certainly exist or occur given the proper conditions "a possible route up the west face of the mountain". practicable implies that something may be effected by available means or under current conditions "a practicable route up the west face of the mountain". feasible applies to what is likely to work or be useful in attaining the end desired "commercially feasible for mass production".