Meaning of PURSUE in English

[pur.sue] vb pur.sued ; pur.su.ing [ME, fr. AF pursuer, fr. OF poursuir, fr. L prosequi, fr. pro- forward + sequi to follow--more at pro-, sue] vt (14c) 1: to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, or defeat

2: to find or employ measures to obtain or accomplish: seek "~ a goal"

3: to proceed along "~s a northern course"

4. a: to engage in "~ a hobby" b: to follow up or proceed with "~ an argument"

5: to continue to afflict: haunt "was pursued by horrible memories"


[2]chase 1c "pursued by dozens of fans" ~ vi: to go in pursuit syn see chase -- pur.su.er n

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