[quar.rel] n [ME, fr. OF, square-headed arrow, building stone, fr. (assumed) VL quadrellum, dim. of L quadrum square--more at quadrate] (13c): a square-headed bolt or arrow esp. for a crossbow
[2]quarrel n [ME querele, fr. MF, complaint, fr. L querela, fr. queri to complain] (14c) 1: a ground of dispute or complaint "have no ~ with a different approach"
2: a usu. verbal conflict between antagonists: altercation [3]quarrel vi -reled or -relled ; -rel.ing or -rel.ling (14c) 1: to find fault "many people ~ with the idea --Johns Hopkins Mag."
2: to contend or dispute actively "~ed frequently with his superiors --London Calling" -- quar.rel.er or quar.rel.ler n