[quar.ry] n, pl quarries [ME querre entrails of game given to the hounds, fr. MF cuiree, fr. cuir skin, hide (on which the entrails were placed), fr. L corium--more at cuirass] (14c) 1 obs: a heap of the game killed in a hunt
2: game; specif: game hunted with hawks
3: one that is sought or pursued: prey
[2]quarry n, pl quarries [ME quarey, alter. of quarrere, fr. MF quarriere, fr. (assumed) OF quarre squared stone, fr. L quadrum square] (14c) 1: an open excavation usu. for obtaining building stone, slate, or limestone
2: a rich source [3]quarry vb quar.ried ; quar.ry.ing vt (1774) 1: to dig or take from or as if from a quarry "~ marble"
2: to make a quarry in "~ a hill" ~ vi: to delve in or as if in a quarry [4]quarry n, pl quarries [alter. of [1]quarrel] (1555): a diamond-shaped pane of glass, stone, or tile