[re.press] vb [ME, fr. L repressus, pp. of reprimere to check, fr. re- + premere to press--more at press] vt (14c) 1 a: to check by or as if by pressure: curb "injustice was ~ed" b: to put down by force: subdue "~ a disturbance"
2. a: to hold in by self-control "~ed a laugh" b: to prevent the natural or normal expression, activity, or development of "~ed her anger"
3: to exclude from consciousness
4: to inactivate (a gene or formation of a gene product) by allosteric combination at a DNA binding site ~ vi: to take repressive action -- re.press.ibil.i.ty n -- re.press.ible adj -- re.pres.sive adj -- re.pres.sive.ly adv -- re.pres.sive.ness n