Meaning of RETIRE in English

[re.tire] vb re.tired ; [MF retirer, fr. re- + tirer to draw] vi (1533) 1: to withdraw from action or danger: retreat

2: to withdraw esp. for privacy

3: to move back: recede

4: to withdraw from one's position or occupation: conclude one's working or professional career

5: to go to bed ~ vt 1: withdraw: as a: to march (a military force) away from the enemy b: to withdraw from circulation or from the market: recall c: to withdraw from usual use or service

2: to cause to retire from one's position or occupation 3 a: to put out (a batter or batsman) in baseball or cricket b: to cause (a side) to end a turn at bat in baseball

4: to win permanent possession of (as a trophy)

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