Meaning of RETORT in English

[re.tort] vb [L retortus, pp. of retorquere, lit., to twist back, hurl back, fr. re- + torquere to twist--more at torture] vt (ca. 1557) 1: to pay or hurl back: return "~ an insult"

2. a: to make a reply to b: to say in reply

3: to answer (as an argument) by a counter argument ~ vi 1: to answer back usu. sharply

2: to return an argument or charge

3: retaliate syn see answer

[2]retort n (1600): a quick, witty, or cutting reply; esp: one that turns back or counters the first speaker's words [3]re.tort n [MF retorte, fr. ML retorta, fr. L, fem. of retortus; fr. its shape] (1605): a vessel or chamber in which substances are distilled or decomposed by heat [4]re.tort vt (1850): to treat (as oil shale) by heating in a retort

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