Meaning of REVISE in English

[re.vise] n (1591) 1: an act of revising: revision

2: a printing proof that incorporates changes marked in a previous proof

[2]re.vise vb re.vised ; [MF reviser, fr. L revisere to look at again, freq. of revidere to see again, fr. re- + videre to see--more at wit] vt (1596) 1 a: to look over again in order to correct or improve "~ a manuscript" b Brit: to study again: review

2. a: to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of "~ a dictionary" b: to provide with a new taxonomic arrangement "revising the alpine ferns" ~ vi, Brit: review 1 syn see correct -- adj -- or n

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