Synonyms and related words :
alter, amend, amendment, blue, blue-pencil, blueprint, change, cold-type proof, color proof, computer proof, copy, copy out, correct, correction, do over, draft, draw up, duplicate, edit, editing, emend, emendate, emendation, enface, engross, foundry proof, galley, galley proof, go back over, improve, inscribe, make a recension, make out, make over, modify, overhaul, page proof, pen, pencil, perfect, plate proof, polish, press proof, progressive proof, proof, proof sheet, pull, push the pen, put in writing, re-create, re-examine, re-form, reappraise, rebehold, rebuild, recense, recension, recheck, reconsider, reconstitute, reconstruct, record, rectification, rectify, redact, redaction, redesign, redo, redraft, reestablish, refashion, refound, regenerate, reinquire, reinstitute, reissue, remake, renovate, reorganize, repeat, reprint, repro proof, reproduce, rescript, rescription, reshape, restore, restructure, resurrect, rethink, retrace, revaluate, revamp, revampment, review, revisal, revised edition, revision, revive, rework, rewrite, rewriting, scribe, scrive, scroll, slip, spill ink, spoil paper, stone proof, superscribe, trace, transcribe, trial impression, type, update, upgrade, vandyke, work over, write, write down, write out