Meaning of RIBBON in English

[rib.bon] n [ME riban, fr. MF riban, ruban] (14c) 1 a: a flat or tubular narrow closely woven fabric (as of silk or rayon) used for trimmings or knitting b: a narrow fabric used for tying packages c: a piece of usu. multicolored ribbon worn as a military decoration or in place of a medal d: a strip of colored satin given for winning a place in a competition

2: a strip of inked fabric (as in a typewriter) 3 pl: reins for controlling an animal

4: tatter, shred--usu. used in pl.

5: ribband -- rib.bon.like adj

[2]ribbon vt (1716) 1 a: to adorn with ribbons b: to divide into ribbons c: to cover with or as if with ribbons

2: to rip to shreds

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