Meaning of RIFFLE in English

[rif.fle] vb rif.fled ; rif.fling [

[2]riffle] vi (1752) 1: to form, flow over, or move in riffles

2: to flip cursorily: thumb "~ through the catalog" ~ vt 1: to ruffle slightly: ripple

2. a: to leaf through hastily; specif: to leaf (as a stack of paper) by sliding a thumb along the edge of the leaves b: to shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix

3: to manipulate (small objects) idly between the fingers

[2]riffle n [perh. alter. of ruffle] (1785) 1 a: a shallow extending across a streambed and causing broken water b: a stretch of water flowing over a riffle

2: a small wave or succession of small waves: ripple 3 a: any of various contrivances (as blocks or rails) laid on the bottom of a sluice or launder to make a series of grooves or interstices to catch and retain a mineral (as gold) b: a groove or interstice so formed

4: a cleat or bar fastened to an inclined surface in a gold-washing apparatus to catch and hold mineral grains

5. [[1]riffle] a: the act or process of shuffling (as cards) b: the sound made while doing this

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