[ru.bric] n [ME rubrike red ocher, heading in red letters of part of a book, fr. MF rubrique, fr. L rubrica, fr. rubr-, ruber red] (14c) 1 a: an authoritative rule; esp: a rule for conduct of a liturgical service b (1): name, title; specif: the title of a statute (2): something under which a thing is classed: category "the sensations falling under the general ~, "pressure" --F. A. Geldard" c: an explanatory or introductory commentary: gloss; specif: an editorial interpolation
2: a heading of a part of a book or manuscript done or underlined in a color (as red) different from the rest
3: an established rule, tradition, or custom -- rubric or ru.bri.cal adj -- ru.bri.cal.ly adv