[sage] adj sag.er ; sag.est [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL sapius, fr. L sapere to taste, have good taste, be wise; akin to Oscan sipus knowing, OS ansebbian to perceive] (14c) 1 a: wise through reflection and experience b archaic: grave, solemn
2: proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment "~ advice" syn see wise -- sage.ly adv -- sage.ness n
[2]sage n (14c) 1: one (as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom
2: a mature or venerable man of sound judgment [3]sage n [ME, fr. MF sauge, fr. L salvia, fr. salvus healthy; fr. its use as a medicinal herb--more at safe] (14c) 1: a mint (Salvia officinalis) with grayish green aromatic leaves used esp. in flavoring meats; broadly: salvia
2: sagebrush