Meaning of SCHOLASTIC in English

[scho.las.tic] adj [ML & L; ML scholasticus of the schoolmen, fr. L, of a school, fr. Gk scholastikos, fr. scholazein to keep a school, fr. schole school] (1596) 1 a often cap: of or relating to Scholasticism "~ theology" "~ philosophy" b: suggestive or characteristic of a scholastic esp. in subtlety or aridity: pedantic "dull ~ reports"

2: of or relating to schools or scholars; esp: of or relating to high school or secondary school -- adv

[2]scholastic n (1644) 1 a cap: a Scholastic philosopher b: pedant, formalist

2. [NL scholasticus, fr. L scholasticus, adj.]: a student in a scholasticate

3: one who adopts academic or traditional methods in art

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