Synonyms and related words :
Cyrenaic, Eleatic, Epicurean, Megarian, Stoic, abstruse, academic, academician, animist, animistic, atomistic, bibliophagic, bluestocking, book-fed, book-learned, book-loving, book-minded, book-read, book-wise, bookish, bookman, booky, canonist, civilized, classicist, classroom, clerk, collegiate, colossus of knowledge, conversant, cosmotheistic, cross-disciplinary, cultivated, cultured, deep, devoted to studies, diligent, divine, divinity student, donnish, dryasdust, eclectic, educated, empirical, encyclopedic, erudite, eudaemonistic, existential, extramural, formal, genius, giant of learning, graduate, graduate-professional, hedonic, hedonist, hedonistic, humanist, humanistic, idealistic, inkhorn, instrumentalist, interdisciplinary, interscholastic, intramural, learned, learned clerk, learned man, lettered, literary, literary man, literate, litterateur, lover of learning, man of learning, man of letters, mandarin, mastermind, materialistic, mechanistic, metaphysical, mine of information, monistic, naturalistic, nominalist, owlish, panlogistical, pansophic, pantheistic, pedagogical, pedantic, philologist, philologue, philomath, philosophe, philosopher, polyhistor, polyhistoric, polymath, polymathic, positivist, positivistic, postgraduate, pragmatic, pragmatist, preschool, professional, professorial, profound, pundit, rabbinic, rationalistic, realist, realistic, savant, scholar, scholarly, school, schoolish, schoolman, sensationalistic, student, studious, syncretistic, theistic, theologian, theological, theologician, theologist, theologizer, theologue, transcendentalist, transcendentalistic, university, utilitarian, versed, vitalistic, voluntarist, voluntaristic, walking encyclopedia, wise