Meaning of SCOPE in English

[scope] n [It scopo purpose, goal, fr. Gk skopos; akin to Gk skeptesthai to watch, look at--more at spy] (ca. 1555) 1: intention, object

2: space or opportunity for unhampered motion, activity, or thought

3: extent of treatment, activity, or influence

4: range of operation: as a: the range of a logical operator: a string in predicate calculus that is governed by a quantifier b: a grammatical constituent that determines the interpretation of a predicate or quantifier syn see range

[2]scope n [-scope] (1872) 1: an instrument (as a telescope or radarscope) for viewing

2: horoscope [3]scope vt scoped ; [perh. fr.

[2]scope] (1974): to look at esp. for the purpose of evaluation--often used with out "scoped her out from across the room --Tim Allis"

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