I. ˈskōp noun
Etymology: Italian scopo purpose, goal, from Greek skopos; akin to Greek skeptesthai to watch, look at — more at spy
Date: circa 1555
1. : intention , object
2. : space or opportunity for unhampered motion, activity, or thought
3. : extent of treatment, activity, or influence
4. : range of operation: as
a. : the range of a logical operator : a string in predicate calculus that is governed by a quantifier
b. : a grammatical constituent that determines the interpretation of a predicate or quantifier
Synonyms: see range
II. noun
Etymology: -scope
Date: 1872
1. : any of various instruments for viewing: as
a. : microscope
b. : telescope
c. : a telescope mounted on a firearm for use as a sight
2. : horoscope
III. transitive verb
( scoped ; scop·ing )
Etymology: perhaps from scope (II)
Date: 1974
: to look at especially for the purpose of evaluation — often used with out
scoped her out from across the room — Tim Allis