Meaning of SCREW in English

[screw] n [ME, fr. MF escroe female screw, nut, fr. ML scrofa, fr. L, sow] (15c) 1 a: a simple machine of the inclined plane type consisting of a spirally grooved solid cylinder and a correspondingly grooved hollow cylinder into which it fits b: a nail-shaped or rod-shaped piece with a spiral groove and a slotted or recessed head designed to be inserted into material by rotating (as with a screwdriver) and used for fastening pieces of solid material together

2. a: a screwlike form: spiral b: a turn of a screw; also: a twist like the turn of a screw c: a screwlike device (as a corkscrew)

3: a worn-out horse

4. chiefly Brit: a small packet (as of tobacco)

5: a prison guard

6: one who bargains shrewdly; also: skinflint 7: a propeller esp. of a ship

8. a: thumbscrew

2. b: pressure or punitive measures intended to coerce--used chiefly in the phrase put the screws on or put the screws to

9. a: an act of sexual intercourse--usu. considered vulgar b: a partner in sexual intercourse--usu. considered vulgar -- adj -- have a screw loose : to be mentally unbalanced

[2]screw vt (1605) 1 a (1): to attach, fasten, or close by means of a screw (2): to unite or separate by means of a screw or a twisting motion "~ the two pieces together" (3): to press tightly in a device (as a vise) operated by a screw (4): to operate, tighten, or adjust by means of a screw (5): to torture by means of a thumbscrew b: to cause to rotate spirally about an axis

2. a (1): to twist into strained configurations: contort "~ed up his face" (2): squint (3): crumple b: to furnish with a spiral groove or ridge: thread

3: to increase the intensity, quantity, or capability of "trying to ~ up courage to confess --Will Scott"

4. a (1): to mistreat or exploit through extortion, trickery, or unfair actions; esp: to deprive of or cheat out of something due or expected "~ed out of a job" (2): to treat so as to bring about injury or loss (as to a person's reputation) "use the available Federal machinery to ~ our political enemies --J. W. Dean III"--often used as a generalized curse "~ you]" b: to extract by pressure or threat

5: to copulate with--usu. considered vulgar ~ vi 1: to rotate like or as a screw

2: to turn or move with a twisting or writhing motion

3: copulate--usu. considered vulgar -- n

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