Meaning of SCRUPLE in English

[scru.ple] n [ME scriple, fr. L scrupulus a unit of weight, dim. of scrupus sharp stone] (14c) 1: a unit of apothecaries' weight equal to 20 grams or 1/3 dram

2: a minute part or quantity: iota

[2]scruple n [ME scrupul, fr. MF scrupule, fr. L scrupulus, dim. of scrupus source of uneasiness, lit., sharp stone] (15c) 1: an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action

2: the quality or state of being scrupulous

3: mental reservation syn see qualm [3]scruple vi scru.pled ; scru.pling (1627) 1: to have scruples

2: to show reluctance on grounds of conscience: hesitate

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