Meaning of SLEEK in English

[sleek] vb [ME sleken, alter. of sliken--more at slick] vt (15c) 1: slick "grooms ~ing cooled horses --Sunset"

2: to cover up: gloss over ~ vi: slick

[2]sleek adj [alter. of

[2]slick] (1589) 1 a: smooth and glossy as if polished "~ dark hair" b: having a smooth well-groomed look "~ cattle" c: healthy-looking

2: smooth in speech or manner; also: unctuous 3 a: having a prosperous air "a ~ apartment building with a pool on the roof" b: having trim graceful lines "a ~ car" c: elegant, stylish "~ restaurants" -- adv -- sleek.ness n syn sleek, slick, glossy mean having a smooth bright surface or appearance. sleek suggests a smoothness or brightness resulting from attentive grooming or physical conditioning "a sleek racehorse". slick suggests extreme smoothness that results in a slippery surface "slipped and fell on the slick floor". glossy suggests a highly reflective surface "photographs having a glossy finish".

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