Meaning of SLOP in English

[slop] n [ME sloppe, prob. fr. MD slop; akin to OE oferslop surplice] (14c) 1: a loose smock or overall

2. pl: short full breeches worn by men in the 16th century 3 pl: articles (as clothing) sold to sailors

[2]slop n [ME sloppe] (15c) 1: soft mud: slush

2: thin tasteless drink or liquid food--usu. used in pl.

3: liquid spilled or splashed

4. a: food waste (as garbage) fed to animals: swill 2a b: excreted body waste--usu. used in pl.

5: sentimental effusiveness in speech or writing: gush [3]slop vb slopped ; vt (1557) 1 a: to spill from a container b: to splash or spill liquid on c: to cause (a liquid) to splash

2: to dish out messily

3: to eat or drink greedily or noisily

4: to feed slop to "~ the hogs" ~ vi 1: to tramp in mud or slush

2: to become spilled or splashed

3: to be effusive: gush

4: to pass beyond or exceed a boundary or limit

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