[so.ber] adj so.ber.er ; so.ber.est [ME sobre, fr. MF, fr. L sobrius; akin to L ebrius drunk] (14c) 1 a: sparing in the use of food and drink: abstemious b: not addicted to intoxicating drink c: not drunk
2: marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor
3: unhurried, calm
4: marked by temperance, moderation, or seriousness
5: subdued in tone or color
6: showing no excessive or extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudice syn see serious -- so.ber.ly adv -- so.ber.ness n
[2]sober vb so.bered ; so.ber.ing vt (14c): to make sober ~ vi: to become sober--usu. used with up