adj. 1 teetotal, temperate, US dry, Colloq on the (water-) wagon Because he was driving, he stayed sober at the party while everyone else got drunk 2 serious, solemn, earnest, dispassionate, unruffled, unflustered, unexcited, unperturbed, steady, sedate, staid, composed, dignified, cool, calm, serene, tranquil, collected, cool-headed, level-headed, sane, balanced, practical, realistic, rational, clear-headed, Slang together We invited you because we respect your sober judgement 3 sedate, sombre, plain, simple, subdued, quiet, repressed, dreary, dark, drab, colourless, neutral At the funeral the widow wore a sober black costume
v. 4 sober up. detoxify, recover, Colloq dry out When she finally sobered up she awoke to find herself in custody