Meaning of SPAR in English

[spar] n [ME sparre; akin to OE spere spear--more at spear] (14c) 1: a stout pole

2. a: a stout rounded wood or metal piece (as a mast, boom, gaff, or yard) used to support rigging b: any of the main longitudinal members of the wing of an airplane that carry the ribs

[2]spar vi sparred ; spar.ring [prob. alter. of

[2]spur] (1537) 1 a: box; esp: to gesture without landing a blow to draw one's opponent or create an opening b: to engage in a practice or exhibition bout of boxing

2: skirmish, wrangle

3: to strike or fight with feet or spurs in the manner of a gamecock [3]spar n (1814) 1: a movement of offense or defense in boxing

2: a sparring match or session [4]spar n [LG; akin to OE spaerstan gypsum, spaeren of plaster] (1581): any of various nonmetallic usu. cleavable and lustrous minerals SPAR n [Semper Paratus, motto of the U.S. Coast Guard, fr. NL, always ready] (1942): a member of the women's reserve of the U.S. Coast Guard

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