1. n.1 a stout pole esp. used for the mast, yard, etc. of a ship.
2 the main longitudinal beam of an aeroplane wing.
Phrases and idioms:
spar-buoy a buoy made of a spar with one end moored so that the other stands up. spar-deck the light upper deck of a vessel.
Etymology: ME sparre, sperre f. OF esparre or ON sperra or direct f. Gmc: cf. MDu., MLG sparre, OS, OHG sparro 2. v. & n.
--v.intr. (sparred, sparring)
1. (often foll. by at) make the motions of boxing without landing heavy blows.
2 engage in argument (they are always sparring).
3 (of a gamecock) fight with the feet or spurs.
1. a a sparring motion. b a boxing-match.
2 a cock-fight.
3 an argument or dispute.
Phrases and idioms:
sparring partner
1. a boxer employed to engage in sparring with another as training.
2 a person with whom one enjoys arguing.
Etymology: ME f. OE sperran, spyrran, of unkn. orig.: cf. ON sperrask kick out 3. n. any crystalline, easily cleavable and non-lustrous mineral, e.g. calcite or fluorspar.
sparry adj.
Etymology: MLG, rel. to OE sp{aelig}ren of plaster, sp{aelig}rstan gypsum