[spire] n [ME, fr. OE spir; akin to MD spier blade of grass] (bef. 12c) 1: a slender tapering blade or stalk (as of grass)
2: the upper tapering part of something (as a tree or antler): pinnacle 3 a: a tapering roof or analogous pyramidal construction surmounting a tower b: steeple
[2]spire vi spired ; spir.ing (14c): to rise like a spire [3]spire n [L spira coil, fr. Gk speira; perh. akin to Gk sparton rope, esparto] (1545) 1 a: spiral b: coil
2: the inner or upper part of a spiral gastropod shell consisting of all the whorls except the whorl in contact with the body [4]spire vi spired ; spir.ing (1591): to rise in or as if in a spiral