[sup.press] vt [ME, fr. L suppressus, pp. of supprimere, fr. sub- + premere to press--more at press] (14c) 1: to put down by authority or force: subdue
2: to keep from public knowledge: as a: to keep secret b: to stop or prohibit the publication or revelation of 3 a: to exclude from consciousness b: to keep from giving vent to: check
4. obs: to press down
5. a: to restrain from a usual course or action: arrest "~ a cough" b: to inhibit the growth or development of: stunt
6: to inhibit the genetic expression of "~ a mutation" -- sup.press.ibil.i.ty n -- sup.press.ible adj -- sup.pres.sive adj -- sup.pres.sive.ness n