Meaning of TEXTURE in English

[tex.ture] n [L textura, fr. textus, pp. of texere to weave--more at technical] (1578) 1 a: something composed of closely interwoven elements; specif: a woven cloth b: the structure formed by the threads of a fabric

2. a: essential part: substance b: identifying quality: character 3 a: the disposition or manner of union of the particles of a body or substance b: the visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance of something "the ~ of an oil painting"

4. a: a composite of the elements of prose or poetry "all these words ... meet violently to form a ~ impressive and exciting --John Berryman" b: a pattern of musical sound created by tones or lines played or sung together

5. a: basic scheme or structure b: overall structure -- tex.tur.al adj -- tex.tur.al.ly adv -- tex.tured adj -- tex.ture.less adj

[2]texture vt tex.tured ; tex.tur.ing (1694): to give a particular texture to

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