[ve.neer] n [G Furnier, fr. furnieren to veneer, fr. F fournir to furnish, equip--more at furnish] (1702) 1: a thin sheet of a material: as a: a layer of wood of superior value or excellent grain to be glued to an inferior wood b: any of the thin layers bonded together to form plywood
2: a protective or ornamental facing (as of brick or stone)
3: a superficial or deceptively attractive appearance, display, or effect: facade, gloss
[2]veneer vt (1728) 1: to overlay or plate (as a common wood) with a thin layer of finer wood for outer finish or decoration; broadly: to face with a material giving a superior surface
2: to cover over with a veneer; esp: to conceal (as a defect of character) under a superficial and deceptive attractiveness -- ve.neer.er n