[wan.der] vb wan.dered ; wan.der.ing [ME wandren, fr. OE wandrian; akin to MHG wandern to wander, OE windan to wind, twist] vi (bef. 12c) 1 a: to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal b: to go idly about: ramble
2: to follow a winding course: meander 3 a: to deviate (as from a course): stray b: to go astray morally: err c: to lose normal mental contact: stray in thought ~ vt: to roam over -- wander n -- wan.der.er n syn wander, roam, ramble, rove, traipse, meander mean to go about from place to place usu. without a plan or definite purpose. wander implies an absence of or an indifference to a fixed course "fond of wandering about the square just watching the people". roam suggests wandering about freely and often far afield "liked to roam through the woods". ramble stresses carelessness and indifference to one's course or objective "the speaker rambled on without ever coming to the point". rove suggests vigorous and sometimes purposeful roaming "armed brigands roved over the countryside". traipse implies a course that is erratic but may sometimes be purposeful "traipsed all over town looking for the right dress". meander implies a winding or intricate course suggestive of aimless or listless wandering "the river meanders for miles through rich farmland".