Meaning of WHINE in English

[whine] vb whined ; whin.ing [ME, fr. OE hwinan to whiz; akin to ON hvina to whiz] vi (13c) 1 a: to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry b: to make a sound similar to such a cry "the wind whined in the chimney"

2: to complain with or as if with a whine

3: to move or proceed with the sound of a whine "the bullet whined ... across the ice --Berton Roueche" ~ vt: to utter or express with or as if with a whine -- whin.er n -- whin.ing.ly adv

[2]whine n (1633) 1 a: a prolonged high-pitched cry usu. expressive of distress or pain b: a sound resembling such a cry

2: a complaint uttered with or as if with a whine -- whiny or whin.ey adj

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