Meaning of WHIRL in English

[whirl] vb [ME, prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON hvirfla to whirl; akin to OHG wirbil whirlwind, OE hweorfan to turn--more at wharf] vi (14c) 1: to move in a circle or similar curve esp. with force or speed

2. a: to turn on or around an axis like a wheel: rotate b: to turn abruptly around or aside: wheel

3: to pass, move, or go quickly "~ed down the hallway"

4: to become giddy or dizzy: reel "my head is ~ing" ~ vt 1: to drive, impel, or convey with or as if with a rotary motion

2. a: to cause to turn usu. rapidly on or around an axis: rotate b: to cause to turn abruptly around or aside 3 obs: to throw or hurl violently with a revolving motion -- whirl.er n

[2]whirl n (15c) 1 a: a rapid rotating or circling movement b: something undergoing such a movement

2. a: a busy or fast-paced succession of events: bustle "a ~ of activity" "the social ~" b: a confused or disturbed mental state: turmoil "a ~ of febrile excitement --Emily Skeel"

3: an experimental or brief attempt: try "gave it a ~"

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