[whirl.i.gig] n [ME whirlegigg, fr. whirlen to whirl + gigg top--more at gig] (15c) 1: a child's toy having a whirling motion
2: merry-go-round 3 a: one that continuously whirls, moves, or changes b: a whirling or circling course (as of events)
[whirl.i.gig] n [ME whirlegigg, fr. whirlen to whirl + gigg top--more at gig] (15c) 1: a child's toy having a whirling motion
2: merry-go-round 3 a: one that continuously whirls, moves, or changes b: a whirling or circling course (as of events)
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012