[wres.tle] vb wres.tled ; wres.tling [ME wrastlen, wrestlen, fr. OE wraestlian, freq. of wraestan] vi (bef. 12c) 1: to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw an opponent down or off balance
2: to combat an opposing tendency or force "wrestling with his conscience"
3: to engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate
4: to engage in or as if in a violent or determined struggle "wrestling with cumbersome luggage" ~ vt 1 a: to engage in (a match, bout, or fall) in wrestling b: to wrestle with "~ an alligator"
2: to move, maneuver, or force with difficulty -- wres.tler n
[2]wrestle n (1593): the action or an instance of wrestling: struggle; esp: a wrestling bout