transcription, транскрипция: [ ə-ˈkre-dət ]
transitive verb
Etymology: Latin accreditus, past participle of accredere to give credence to, from ad- + credere to believe — more at creed
Date: 1535
1. : to give official authorization to or approval of:
a. : to provide with credentials ; especially : to send (an envoy) with letters of authorization
b. : to recognize or vouch for as conforming with a standard
c. : to recognize (an educational institution) as maintaining standards that qualify the graduates for admission to higher or more specialized institutions or for professional practice
2. : to consider or recognize as outstanding
3. : attribute , credit
Synonyms: see approve
• ac·cred·i·table -də-tə-bəl adjective
• ac·cred·i·ta·tion ə-ˌkre-də-ˈtā-shən, -ˈdā- noun