transcription, транскрипция: [ ə-ˈmyüz ]
( amused ; amus·ing )
Etymology: Middle French amuser, from Old French, from a- (from Latin ad- ) + muser to muse
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
a. archaic : to divert the attention of so as to deceive
b. obsolete : to occupy the attention of : absorb
c. obsolete : distract , bewilder
a. : to entertain or occupy in a light, playful, or pleasant manner
amuse the child with a story
b. : to appeal to the sense of humor of
the joke doesn't amuse me
intransitive verb
obsolete : muse
• amus·ed·ly -ˈmyü-zəd-lē adverb
• amus·er noun
amuse , divert , entertain mean to pass or cause to pass the time pleasantly. amuse suggests that one's attention is engaged lightly or frivolously
amuse yourselves while I prepare dinner
divert implies the distracting of the attention from worry or routine occupation especially by something funny
a light comedy to divert the tired businessman
entertain suggests supplying amusement or diversion by specially prepared or contrived methods
a magician entertaining children at a party