əˈmyüz verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle French amuser to cause to waste time, amuse, bemuse, deceive, from Old French, from a- (from Latin ad- ) + muser to muse — more at muse
transitive verb
1. archaic : to divert the attention of (as from the truth or one's real intent) : deceive , delude , bemuse
2. obsolete
a. : to occupy or engage the attention of : plunge in deep thought : absorb
b. : distract , bewilder
a. : to entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner : divert
he amuses himself by reading
amuse the child with a story
amuse his friends
b. : to while away
amuse leisure time
intransitive verb
obsolete : muse
divert , entertain , recreate : amuse means to engage the attention in a way to keep one interested or engrossed especially in a laugh-provoking, usually light or frivolous way
I write because it amuses me — Rose Macaulay
he has something to say that will either amuse or help his audience — W.J.Reilly
divert , in this comparison, stresses the distraction of the attention, especially from worry and routine occupations, and usually the inducing of relaxation or gaiety
a series of diverting and sometimes mildly harrowing adventures — Current Biography
when idle moments occur during the day, fill them in quickly by diverting yourself with an absorbing book — Better Homes & Gardens
only men of leisure have the need for beautiful women to divert them — Pearl Buck
entertain implies the activity of others to provide amusement or diversion and usually suggests formal or specially contrived methods
his prose has been described as lucid, entertaining, and, at times, inspired — Current Biography
the radio keeps them informed and entertained — Harold Griffin
a party of Frenchmen … entertained the friendly natives aboard their boats — American Guide Series: Louisiana
recreate , an infrequent verb in this sense, implies a change of occupation or an indulgence in diversions for the sake of relaxation or refreshment of mind or body
recreating herself in the housekeeper's room — Jane Austen