I. ˈblā-z ə n noun
Etymology: Middle English blason, from Anglo-French
Date: 14th century
a. : armorial bearings : coat of arms
b. : the proper description or representation of heraldic or armorial bearings
2. : ostentatious display
II. transitive verb
( bla·zoned ; bla·zon·ing ˈblāz-niŋ; ˈblā-z ə n-iŋ)
Date: 1534
1. : to publish widely : proclaim
a. : to describe (heraldic or armorial bearings) in technical terms
b. : to represent (armorial bearings) in drawing or engraving
a. : display
b. : deck , adorn
the town was blazon ed with flags
• bla·zon·er -nər; -z ə n-ər noun
• blazoning noun