I. ˈbrā-z ə n adjective
Etymology: Middle English brasen, from Old English bræsen, from bræs brass
Date: before 12th century
1. : made of brass
a. : sounding harsh and loud like struck brass
b. : of the color of polished brass
3. : marked by contemptuous boldness
a brazen disregard for the rules
• bra·zen·ly adverb
• bra·zen·ness ˈbrā-z ə n-(n)əs noun
II. transitive verb
( bra·zened ; bra·zen·ing ˈbrāz-niŋ, ˈbrā-z ə n-iŋ)
Date: circa 1555
: to face with defiance or impudence — usually used in the phrase brazen it out