transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈsīt ]
transitive verb
( cit·ed ; cit·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French citer to cite, summon, from Latin citare to put in motion, rouse, summon, from frequentative of ciēre to stir, move — more at -kinesis
Date: 15th century
1. : to call upon officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court)
2. : to quote by way of example, authority, or proof
cite s several noteworthy authors
a. : to refer to ; especially : to mention formally in commendation or praise
b. : to name in a citation
4. : to bring forward or call to another's attention especially as an example, proof, or precedent
cite d the weather as a reason for canceling the picnic
Synonyms: see summon
• cit·able ˈsī-tə-bəl adjective